Sunday, November 24, 2019

6 qualities that will get you noticed in the workplace

6 qualities that will get you noticed in the workdistributionspolitik6 qualities that will get you noticed in the workplaceWhen it comes to work, the last thing you want to be is another cog in the wheel - youd much rather stand out.You want to be the first person your boss thinks of when she needs someone to spearhead a challenging project, and for everybody in your sekretariat to think of you as valuable and trustworthy. When theres a promotion on the line, you want your name to be the one that everybody is muttering.But, heres the thing Your colleagues are all awesome, and youre struggling to figure out how you can separate yourself from your equally-qualified gruppe members.Of course, doing solid work, meeting expectations, and hitting your goals are all a big piece of the puzzle when it comes to making a professional name for yourself. However, there are a few other qualities that are a little less tangible - but just as important.1. ReliabilityIs there anything more frustrati ng than someone who repeatedly promises theyll get something done, only to drop the ball time and time again?Its easy to think that dependability is a given in the workplace, but its actually not as common as you might think. Thats why supervisors and co-workers alike truly value someone who accomplishes what they say theyre going to - accurately and on time, no less.So, maybe you think reliability isnt the most flashy or exciting quality. But, as simple as it might seem, you can bet that repeatedly keeping your word will gain you plenty of positive attention at work.2. HelpfulnessIts tempting to think of the workplace as an every person for themselves sort of competitive environment. When youre matched up against your colleagues for things like coveted promotions and raises, isnt it better to let them flop and fail than to raise them up or help them out?A certain amount of healthy andprofessional competitivenessis necessary in your career. But, a relentless willingness to help out somebody whos struggling is actually one of the things that will get you noticed as a high-performer.Go ahead, ask your swamped team member if you can help out with anything on their to-do list. Or, approach your boss to see how you can make her life easier that day.Proving that youre focused on the greater good of your team and your company - as opposed to just your own desires and priorities - makes you all the more memorable and impressive.3. PerseveranceIts easy to give up. Even the shame and guilt that comes along withquittingis far better than continuing to bang your head against the wall while trying to solve a problem.Its exactly why perseverance is such a desirable quality among employees. Leaders want to oversee people who are able to adapt, adjust, and find potential solutions, rather than those who throw up their hands the moment they hit a roadblock.When youre stuck, do your best to persist. Being the one person who didnt give up on solving a problem for your team wi ll earn you a high level of appreciation and recognition.4. InitiativeMeeting expectations is one thing. But, if your aim is to be noticed, you should be doing more than that - you should be exceeding expectations.Showing this high level of initiative can take on numerous different forms in the workplace.It can involve stepping up to lead a challenging project that nobody else wants to take on. Or, it can mean asking thoughtful questions when youre presented with constructive criticism to prove that youre committed to your own advancement. Its even evident when you finally roll up your sleeves and clean the break room microwave because you know that nobody else was going to do it.The people who stand out in the office arent the ones who are content with the status quo. Theyre the ones who have their sights set on constant growth, learning, and improvement.5. KindnessEven if youlove your job, the workplace can be brutal at times. Conflicts happen, deadlines get tight, and stress can pile up.That makes it easy to get snide or snappy, but at work (and, lets face it, everywhere else) kindness always wins.Dont trick yourself into thinking that this needs to involve grand gestures. Bring in donuts or bagels for your team or grab your deskmate a cup of coffee - its often the little things that make the biggest impact.6. EnthusiasmTheres something magnetic and infectious about a positive outlook. When everybody else is groaning about the fact that its already Monday, youre the one who brings a go get em attitude to the office.That doesnt go unnoticed. Your enthusiasm will undoubtedly rub off on the people you work with. And, wouldnt you rather be recognized as the person who walks into the office with a smile instead of grumbling and whining?It can be challenging toget noticed in the office, particularly when all of your colleagues are equally qualified. Knocking your work out of the park is the best place to get started, but oftentimes its the less tangible qualiti es that truly set you apart.Do your best to embody these six characteristics, and youre sure to garner a positive reputation at work.This article was originally published on

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